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March in Henna Style!

Writer: SophieSophie

With spring right around the corner, and many exciting days ahead; what are your plans in March? Whatever they are, make sure to have fun and enjoy this blessed life. Every moment can be special, if you make it so :) #handhenna #bridalhenna

A Prayer with Henna….

Few days back; I learned that one of my friend's son, who is just 19 years old, is really sick and had been admitted into a hospital. While his friends and family were keeping him in their thoughts and wishing him a speedy recovery; I couldn’t help but think that, there is something I must be able to do to spread a little cheer, bring a smile to this boy’s face, and maybe ease his pain for a few moments.

An idea blossomed. I decided I was going to make sure that the boy knew that he is not alone, that he has an entire supporting cast, and that he most of all; is loved. With henna, I crafted a prayer – a message combining football (his mom had previously told me that he was really into it), his family’s love and, music (God’s gift to man). It read – All you need is love….

I would like to think, that on receiving this prayer, there was a moment of warmth, a moment of happiness, and a moment where all pain was forgotten. I am yet to meet my friend’s son, and one day soon, I will. And when I do, I hope he will let me know….

If you or your loved ones are going through a tough situation or sickness and would like to receive prayer henna, I’ll be honored to help, either in-person or remotely. I do not charge for this and any payment you make will be donated to the various charities I support. #prayerhenna #hennablessing

Practice Henna Session…

Always dreamed of having an elaborate henna design? Did the price point make you tentative? Well, you don’t have to anymore! I am constantly experimenting to create my next ‘wow’ design. Practice makes perfect, right? If you like to get an elaborate henna piece and don’t have the budget, I do offer a few select sessions where you can be the model for my next custom design. And for your effort, the price to get this elaborate design is just $45, that’s  50% off a 70 minute session that’s would be normally priced at $90. These appointments are extremely limited, so reserve soon. #neckhenna

My next Goddess Circle...

Following up the previous two events that featured Goddess Durga and Goddess Aphrodite respectively; next up is Saraswati - the Goddess of Art, Knowledge and Wisdom. The event is on Thursday, April 4, @ 6PM at Amber Connection (Emmaus). Limited space.  #durga #goddesscircle

Message me or RSVP at Henna FB events.

Venue: Amber Connection (Emmaus)

Time: Thursday,  April 4 @ 6PM

Upcoming Events

Women’s History Month - Saturday, March 23 @ 1PM at Allentown City Hall

A Gathering - Sunday, March 24 @ 1PM @ Sasquatch Tea Lodge

Sending you big hug, lots of love, tons of fun, and creativity everyday!!



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